Friday, November 13, 2015

I joined the masses, ya happy now?

Guess who finally joined Instagram? Fuck yeah I did, I may or may not be posting shit on there, who know?
You guys can check or not, fuck it, I'm not you boss. -> fuckyeah_batman <-

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Another story and its characters sketches "Generations"

Like I have posted before, I'm riddled with fucking stories in my mind. So here are some sketches from a very extensive three (maybe more) book storyline.

This is Akane of Japanese origins, I kinda wanted to draw the young her as she was worshiped to be the child of a God. But like the asshole that I am, I fuck up her whole childhood and adulthood with all kinds of abuse.

These two young kiddo are second generation to the first set of characters, these two love bird are "soulmates." Yet again this is the end product of a long road of denial and self-loathing on one part of the party.

This is Akane again, but much older and angsty. Here she is shown as her other ego with the love of murder and destruction.

Monday, August 17, 2015

A Title for this is yet to be chosen

If ya'll didn't noticed, I have a very creative side to me. From a young age I would like to make little stories. This little hobby of mine became more of a life preserver for me as I got older and became the complicated mess that I am.
Visual wise, I'm very obsessive over sketching the characters and getting their whole bit to the point of being their own person and not some imitation of me.

The story revolves around a discharged soldier, she owns the family bar and makes sure her younger sister is has the support she needs for college. However, for the peace that she has now was all due to her very illegal past with very powerful and dangerous drug lord. She suffers from PTSD, and alcoholism, she meets a awkward lawyer and shit goes down. Mostly good shit but god damn, I really don't treat my characters nicely.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Study Room Take Over

There was an erase board in the studying room across my dorm room. People barely went there for any kind of reason. So Efeh and I decided to take the room as our own and fuck around with the board. Efeh's shit is on the right and mine on the left. Take what you will of the complimentary poem.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Raisin in the Sun and their assholes.

Another class of mine for my first semester, it was an intro class for technical theater. One of the first big projects was designing a show for Raisin in the Sun. Everyone had their own interpretation and approach to the book. These are just the sketches for the final presentation.

Character sketches for the main three assholes. I like the book but the character have much to have, I don't either but not such a selfish assholes like them.

A look into a part of the apartment for the feel of it and the stage plan.

Poetry and Digital Design

During my last semester at SUNY, I had a creative writing class with an awesome teacher. For our final project we had to create a portfolio and with an addition of images if we wanted to. Being the badass bitch that I was, wanted to one up everyone.

My sister's past future husband.

I just came home for a visit and my sister and I were having a chat about her emo phase in middle school. Her obsession with a bassist came up and I had an idea. This is the fruit of it, I'll applaud you if you know who the fuck this is.